Yes, although it's a functionality of Bitcoin Script generally, not OP_CSV in particular. Bitcoin Script allows you to use nested IF statements, and enforce whatever different conditions you want in each branch. Here's your contract in Ivy : contract MultiCSV( bob: PublicKey, carol: PublicKey, bobDelay: Duration, carolDelay: Duration, val: Value ) { clause bobSpend(sig: Signature) { verify checkSig(bob, sig) verify older(bobDelay) unlock val } clause carolSpend(sig: Signature) { verify checkSig(carol, sig) verify older(carolDelay) unlock val } clause bothSpend(bobSig: Signature, carolSig: Signature) { verify checkMultiSig([bob, carol], [bobSig, carolSig]) unlock val } } It compiles to the following Bitcoin Script: PUSH(carolKey) PUSH(bobKey) 2 PICK 2 EQUAL IF ROT DROP 0 4 ROLL 4 ROLL 2 2ROT 2 CHECKMULTISIG ELSE ROT IF DROP CHECKSIGVERIFY PUSH(carolDelay) CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY DROP 1 ELSE NIP CHECKSIGVERIFY PUSH(bobDelay) CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY DROP 1 ENDIF ENDIF On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 5:32 PM Praveen Baratam via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > Hello Everybody, > > I need a little clarity about how OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY (CSV) works in > transactions. > > Can I use multiple CSV end points as depicted in the figure below? I > basically want to allow different conditions at different delays. > > [image: Multi CSV.png] > > I just want to know if OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY can be used to achieve the > above. > > Thank you. > > Praveen > ᐧ > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >