Devs, Tutorial: Meeting Logs: Summary: The 6th CTV meeting was a Sapio Studio tutorial. Sapio Studio is a Bitcoin Wallet / IDE for playing with Bitcoin Smart Contracts. It is clearly "Alpha Software", but gets better and better! The tutorial primarily covers setting up Sapio Studio and then using it to create an instance of a Bitcoin Vault similar to the variety James O'Beirne shared recently on this list. Participants had trouble with: 1) Build System Stuff 2) Passing in Valid Arguments 3) Minrelay Fees 4) Minor GUI bugs in the software But overall, the software was able to be used successfully similar to the screenshots in the tutorial, including restarting and resuming a session, recompiling with effect updates (essentially a form of multisig enforced recursive covenant which can be made compatible with arbitrary covenant upgrades), and more. Based on the meeting, there are some clear areas of improvement needed to make this GUI more intuitive that will be incorporated in the coming weeks. Best, Jeremy -- @JeremyRubin