Bitcoin Developers, The 2nd instance of the recurring meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 25th at 12:00 PT in channel ##ctv-bip-review in IRC server. The meeting should take approximately 2 hours. The topics proposed to be discussed are agendized below. Please review the agenda in advance of the meeting to make the best use of everyone's time. If you have any feedback or proposed content changes to the agenda please let me know. See you Tuesday, Jeremy - Update on Bounty Program & Feedback (10 Min) - Feedback Recap (20 Min) - In this section we'll review any recent feedback or review of CTV. To expedite the meeting, a summary is provided below of the main feedback received since the last meeting and responses to them so that the time allotted may be devoted to follow up questions. - Luke Dashjr's feedback - thread: - summary: Dashjr notes that while CTV is not done, it may be nearly done. Dashjr requests that some applications be made BIP-quality before proceeding, amongst other smaller feedbacks. Dashjr also expresses his concerns about activation logic. Respondents debated the activation logic, and there was a general sentiment to keep the discussion of CTV and activation logic somewhat separate, as Activation is a general concern pertaining to all upgrades and not CTV in particular. Rubin responded asking if BIP-quality is required or if examples like those in suffice. - James O'Beirne's feedback - Github Link: - summary: O'Beirne tests the reindexing performance with the CTV patches and finds a minor performance regression due to the cache precomputations. Rubin responds with patches for an improved caching strategy that precomputes the CTV hashes only when they are used, but it is a little more complex to review. Rubin also points out that the tested range is not representative of "current" blocks which have a higher proportion of segwit. - Peter Todd's Feedback - thread: - response: - summary: Todd reviewed the BIP and an (outdated) implementation and was disappointed to find that the testing was insufficient, the analysis of validation resources was insufficient, and the quality of proof of concept applications was insufficient. Rubin responded by pointing Todd to the most up to date implementation which has more tests, updated the link in the BIP to the PR, updated the BIP to describe resource usage, and asked what the bar is expected to be for applications. Rubin further responded with an analysis of current congested mempool behavior here: . Todd is yet to respond. - What is Sapio / How to think about Programming with CTV (15 Min) - Resources to review - - - - Composability - What's all this "Non-Interactivity" Business? - Vaults (20 Min) - Resources: - Congestion Control (20 Mins) - Resources: - Payment Pools (20 Mins) - Resources: - General Q&A (15 Mins) -- @JeremyRubin