Logs here: https://gnusha.org/ctv-bip-review/2022-03-08.log Notes: 1) Sapio Updates Sapio has Experimental Taproot Support now. See logs for how to help. Rust-bitcoin can also use your help reviewing, e.g. https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-miniscript/pull/305 Adding MuSig support for the oracle servers would be really cool, if someone wants a challenge. 2) Transaction Sponsors What sponsors are vs. RBF/CPFP. Why there's not a BIP # assigned (despite it being written up as a BIP+impl in https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2020-September/018168.html, should only get a number if it seems like people agree). 3) James' Vaults Post James' vaults are similar to prior art on recursive CTV vaults (Kanzure's / Jeremy's), where the number of steps = 1. Actually ends up being a very good design for many custody purposes, might be a good "80% of the benefit 20% of the work" type of thing. People maybe want different things out of vaults... how customizable must it be? 4) Mailing list be poppin' Zmn shared a prepared remark which spurred a nice conversation. General sentiment that we should be careful adding crazy amounts of power, with great power comes great responsibility... Maybe we shouldn't care though -- don't send to scripts you don't like? Math is scary -- you can do all sorts of bizarre stuff with more power (e.g., what if you made an EVM inside a bitcoin output). Things like OP_EVICT should be bounded by design. Problem X: Infrastructure issue for all more flexible covenants: 1) generate a transition function you would like 2) compile it into a script covenant 3) request the transition/txn you want to have happen 4) produce a satisifaction of the script covenant for that transaction 5) prove the transition function *is* what you wanted/secure Quantifying how hard X is for a given proposal is a good idea. You can prototype covenants with federations in Sapio pretty easily... more people should try this! 5) General discuss People suck at naming things... give things more unique names for protocols! Jeremy will name something the Hot Tub Coin Machine Some discussion on forking, if theres any kind of consensus forming, doing things like https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2021-April/018833.html How much does a shot-on-goal cost / unforced errors of not making an activating client available precluding being able to activate luke-jr: never ST; ST is a reason enough to oppose CTV jamesob: OP_DOTHETHING best, Jeremy -- @JeremyRubin