Hey all, I had an idea for a new transaction type. The base idea is that it is matching on script hashes much like pay to script hash, but checks for one of N scripts. A motivating case is for "permission groups". Let's say I want to have a single "root user" script, a 2 of 3 group, and a 2 of 2 group able to spend a utxo. This would allow for any one of these permission groups to spend. Right now, this could be expressed multiple ways (ie, using an op_dup if then else chain) , but all would incur additional costs in terms of complicated control flows. Instead, I would propose: OP_HASH160 [20-byte-hash-value 1]...[20-byte-hash-value N] OP_N OP_MULTISCRIPTHASHVERIFY could be spent with ...signatures... {serialized script} ​And the alternative formulation: (more complex!)​ ​OP_HASH160 OP_DUP [20-byte-hash-value 1]​ ​ OP_IF OP_EQUAL​ ​ OP_VERIFY OP_ELSE OP_ENDIF​ Of course, the permission group example is just one use case, there could be other interesting combinations as well ​. There is an implication in terms of increased utxo pool bloat, but also an implication in terms of increased txn complexity (each 20 byte hash allows for a 500 byte script, only one of the 500 byte scripts has to be permanently stored on blockchain). Looking forward to your feedback -- the idea is a bit preliminary, but I think it could be exciting. Best, Jeremy -- Jeremy Rubin