Hi Devs, Enjoy! https://rubin.io/bitcoin/2021/12/22/advent-25/ I'm really excited about opportunities for capital formation to happen natively in Bitcoin. This is actually a really big deal and something (I think) to pay close attention to. This is basically like running a little company with shareholders inside of Bitcoin, which to me really helps us inhabit the "be your own bank" part of Bitcoin. None of this particularly requires CTV, but it does require the type of composable and flexible software that I aspire to deliver with Sapio. business matter: There are two more posts, and they will both be focused on getting this stuff out into the wild more. If you particularly have thoughts on BIP-119 activation I would love to hear them publicly, or at your preference, privately. If you like or dislike BIP-119 and wish to "soft-signal" yes or no publicly, you may do so on https://utxos.org/signals by editing the appropriate file(s) and making a PR. Alternatively, comment somewhere publicly I can link to, send it to me, and I will make the edits. edit links: - for individuals/devs: https://github.com/JeremyRubin/utxos.org/edit/master/data/devs.yaml - organizations: https://github.com/JeremyRubin/utxos.org/edit/master/data/bizs.yaml - miners/pools: https://github.com/JeremyRubin/utxos.org/edit/master/data/hashratesnapshot.json Best, Jeremy -- @JeremyRubin