* Tuesday, March 8th.

I think Noon PT == 8pm UTC?

but dont trust me i cant even tell what day is what.

On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 6:50 PM Jeremy Rubin <jeremy.l.rubin@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

There will be a CTV meeting tomorrow at noon PT. Agenda below:

1) Sapio Taproot Support Update / Request for Review (20 Minutes)
    - Experimental support for Taproot merged on master https://github.com/sapio-lang/sapio
2) Transaction Sponsoring v.s CPFP/RBF (20 Minutes)
3) Jamesob's Non-Recursive Vaults Post (20 minutes)
4) What the heck is everyone talking about on the mailing list all of the sudden (30 minutes)
    - EVICT, TLUV, FOLD, Lisp, OP_ANNEX, Drivechain Covenants, Jets, Etc
5) Q&A (30 mins)

