Devs, Here's today's post: It covers how you can use Sapio modules composably. This is an active area of research for the Sapio platform, so definitely welcome and appreciate ideas and feedback. One area I'm particularly happy with but also unhappy with is the "JSONSchema Type System". It is remarkably flexible, which is useful, but a better type system would be able to enforce guarantees more strongly. Of course, comparing to things like ERC-20, Eth interfaces aren't particularly binding (functions could do anything) so maybe it's OK. If you have thoughts on better ways to accomplish this, would love to think it through more deeply. I'm particularly excited about ways to introduce more formal correctness. Cheers, Jeremy p.s. -- feel free to send me any general feedback on the series out of band. There's a couple posts in the pipeline that are a bit less development focused like the earlier posts I excluded, and I could filter them if folks are feeling like it's too much information, but I'd bias towards posting the remaining pieces as they come for continuity. Let me know if you feel strongly about a couple posts that might be a topical reach for this list. -- @JeremyRubin