Dear Bitcoin Devs, It recently occurred to me that it's possible to do a lamport signature in script for arithmetic values by using a binary expanded representation. There are some applications that might benefit from this and I don't recall seeing it discussed elsewhere, but would be happy for a citation/reference to the technique. blog post here,, text reproduced below There are two insights in this post: 1. to use a bitwise expansion of the number 2. to use a lamport signature Let's look at the code in python and then translate to bitcoin script: ```python def add_bit(idx, preimage, image_0, image_1): s = sha256(preimage) if s == image_1: return (1 << idx) if s == image_0: return 0 else: assert False def get_signed_number(witnesses : List[Hash], keys : List[Tuple[Hash, Hash]]): acc = 0 for (idx, preimage) in enumerate(witnesses): acc += add_bit(idx, preimage, keys[idx][0], keys[idx][1]) return x ``` So what's going on here? The signer generates a key which is a list of pairs of hash images to create the script. To sign, the signer provides a witness of a list of preimages that match one or the other. During validation, the network adds up a weighted value per preimage and checks that there are no left out values. Let's imagine a concrete use case: I want a third party to post-hoc sign a sequence lock. This is 16 bits. I can form the following script: ``` checksigverify 0 SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<1> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<2> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<3> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<4> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<5> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<6> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<7> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<8> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<9> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<10> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<11> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<12> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<13> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<14> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF SWAP sha256 DUP EQUAL IF DROP <1<<15> ADD ELSE EQUALVERIFY ENDIF CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY ``` In order to sign a 16 bit value V, the owner of K simply puts on the stack the binary representation of V indexed into the K. E.g., to sign `53593`, first expand to binary `0b1101000101011001`, then put the appropriate K values on the stack. ``` K_15_1 K_14_1 K_13_0 K_12_1 K_11_0 K_10_0 K_9_0 K_8_1 K_7_0 K_6_1 K_5_0 K_4_1 K_3_1 K_2_0 K_1_0 K_0_1 ``` This technique is kind of bulky! It's around 80x16 = 1280 length for the gadget, and 528 bytes for the witnesses. So it is _doable_, if not a bit expensive. There might be some more efficient scripts for this -- would a trinary representation be more efficient? The values that can be signed can be range limited either post-hoc (using OP\_WITHIN) or internally as was done with the 16 bit value circuit where it's impossible to do more than 16 bits. Keys *can* be reused across scripts, but signatures may only be constructed one time because a third party could take two signed messages and construct an unintended value (e.g., if you sign both 4 and 2 then a third party could construct 6). There are certain applications where this could be used for an effect -- for example, an oracle might have a bonding contract whereby possessing any K\_i\_0 and K\_i\_1 allows the burning of funds. -- @JeremyRubin