This may be of interest:

Basically, a (old, python) sapio contract whereby you can make cancellable subscriptions that are essentially a time based autopay scheme whereby cancellation gives time for the receiver to claim the correct amount of money.

On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 10:58 PM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <> wrote:
Good morning Chris,

> I think this proposal describes arbitrary lines of pre-approved credit from a bitcoin wallet. The line can be drawn down with oracle attestations. You can mix in locktimes on these pre-approved lines of credit if you would like to rate limit, or ignore rate limiting and allow the full utxo to be spent by the borrower. It really is contextual to the use case IMO.

Ah, that seems more useful.

Here is an example application that might benefit from this scheme:

I am commissioning some work from some unbranded workperson.
I do not know how long the work will take, and I do not trust the workperson to accurately tell me how complete the work is.
However, both I and the workperson trust a branded third party (the oracle) who can judge the work for itself and determine if it is complete or not.
So I create a transaction whose signature can be completed only if the oracle releases a proper scalar and hand it over to the workperson.
Then the workperson performs the work, then asks the oracle to judge if the work has been completed, and if so, the work can be compensated.

On the other hand, the above, where the oracle determines *when* the fund can be spent, can also be implemented by a simple 2-of-3, and called an "escrow".
After all, the oracle attestation can be a partial signature as well, not just a scalar.
Is there a better application for this scheme?

I suppose if the oracle attestation is intended to be shared among multiple such transactions?
There may be multiple PTLCs, that are triggered by a single oracle?

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