so you want us to, (i) at the moment of payment decide wether to pay a tx fee, or to include some data about what the transaction is about... (ii) and (iii) are out of the question as you'd be forcing people to not have privacy, which is one of the main reasons people use bitcoin, just paying like cash. then the rest goes down hill. 1. You want to add more data to a transaction, which would fill blocks even faster. 2. The data will be on the blockchain, why in hell would anybody pay the miners for it when you can just mine it yourself, or pay XYZ online service to give you the tools you mention, and why would XYZ company pay miners for the revenues of such service? because... you want to change the Bitcoin license from MIT to something else? I'm sorry. this is dead on arrival, very unrealistic. Perhaps this will work for some other coin where people accept all these orwellianism from the start. If you think there's much debate about blocksize you've no idea how things would get at the mention of moving away from MIT into some sort of commercial license, that would indeed destroy Bitcoin from being adopted as it would enter into many many conflicts that would render it unusable by lots of organizations.