I was wondering if the level of traffic a Bitcoin node gets is or will be so high that you have heard/will hear complains like the following:

  1. a home router that crashes or slows down when its NAT pin-hole table overflows, triggered by many TCP connections.
  2. a home router that crashes or slows down by UDP traffic
  3. a home DSL or cable modem having its send buffer filled up by outgoing data, and the buffer fits seconds worth of bytes. This adds seconds of delay on interactive traffic. For a web site that needs 10 round trips to load this may mean 10s of seconds of delay to load compared to without bittorrent. Skype or other delay sensitive applications would be affected even more.
These are issues the bittorrent community faced and eventually solved brilliantly with uTP, which uses a congestion window algorithm that allows you to use as much of the TCP bandwidth as possible and automatically throttling down if there's any cross traffic, while also taking into consideration things like the optimum MTUs (Path MTU discovery), Clock Drift phenomena and other features. 

I was wondering if we have or expect to have these issues in the future, perhaps uTP could help greatly the performance of the entire network at some point.

Detailed information about uTP here
