I think that should be greater than in the comparison? You want it to fail if the the height of the UTXO plus the sequence number is greater than the spending block's height. There should be an exception for final inputs. Otherwise, they will count as relative locktime of 0xFFFFFFFF. Is this check handled elsewhere? if (!tx.vin[i].IsFinal() && nSpendHeight < coins->nHeight + tx.vin[i].nSequence) return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-non-final-input"); Is the intention to let the script check the sequence number? OP_RELATIVELOCKTIMEVERIFY would check if is less than or equal to the sequence number. It does make sequence mean something completely different from before. Invalidating previously valid transactions has the potential to reduce confidence in the currency. A workaround would be to have a way to enable it in the sigScript by extending Peter Todd's suggestion in the other email chain. <1> OP_NOP2 means OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY (absolute) <2> OP_NOP2 means OP_RELATIVECHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY <3> OP_NOP2 means OP_SEQUENCE_AS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT OP_SEQUENCE_AS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT would cause the script to fail unless it was the first opcode in the script. It acts as a flag to enable using the sequence number as for relative block height. This can be achieved using a simple pattern match. bool CScript::IsSequenceAsRelativeHeight() const { // Extra-fast test for pay-to-script-hash CScripts: return (this->size() >= 4 && this->at(0) == OP_PUSHDATA1 && this->at(1) == 1 && this->at(2) == 0xFF && this->at(3) == OP_NOP2); } if (!tx.vin[i].IsFinal() && tx.vin[i].scriptSig.IsSequenceAsRelativeHeight() && nSpendHeight < coins->nHeight + tx.vin[i].nSequence) return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-txns-non-final-input"); On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Jorge Timón wrote: > for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vin.size(); i++) { > // ... > if (coins->nHeight + tx.vin[i].nSequence < nSpendHeight) > return state.Invalid(false, REJECT_INVALID, > "bad-txns-non-final-input"); > // ... > } >