On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 6:04 AM ZmnSCPxj wrote: > Taproot MAST to the rescue. > Another option would be a binary payout You pay 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 as outputs. The outputs are enabled/disabled based on the diff value. This would require division and also binary operators. D = (int) ((100 * diff) / (1 trillion)) Output 0: 1.28: If (D & 128) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.64: If (D & 64) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.32: If (D & 32) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.16: If (D & 16) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.8: If (D & 8) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.4: If (D & 4) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.4: If (D & 4) then pay Alice otherwise Bob Output 0: 0.4: If (D & 4) then pay Alice otherwise Bob This has log performance in terms of the number of ticks like the MAST solution.