On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 4:22 AM, odinn wrote: > That's interesting. But in all honesty I don't see most users being > able to pull off what you are describing. The idea assumes that it is a BIP + soft fork. This means that most wallets would support/recognise the encumbered coins. Even if only some wallets support it, you can still move your coins around. Only the people who are trading between XT and Core would need to have wallets that support it. If you consolidate x BTC-Core and x BTC-XT into a single output, then you can convert it back to a normal output. > If they are convinced that it is needed its > use will grow but they won't realize how bad they will be misled until > later, at which point it will be... > > .. Too Late > That is the point, this gives a sneak preview. At minimum, it shows which choice will give the highest BTC value.