On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Raystonn . wrote: > Regarding Tier’s proposal: The lower security you mention for extended > blocks would delay, possibly forever, the larger blocks maximum block size > that we want for the entire network. That doesn’t sound like an optimal > solution. > I don't think so. The lower security is the potential centralisation risk. If you have your money in the "root" chain, then you can watch it. You can probably also watch it in a 20MB chain. Full nodes would still verify the entire block (root + extended). It is a "nuclear option", since you can make any changes you want to the rules for the extended chain. The only safe guard is that people have to voluntarly transfer coins to the extended block. The extended block might have 10-15% of the total bitcoins, but still be useful, since they would be the ones that move the most. If you want to store your coins long term, you move them back to the root block where you can watch them more closely. It does make things more complex though. Wallets would have to list 2 balances.