I second this, I don't have time to read the large number of emails generated every day from the block size debate. A summary of the various positions and arguments would be extremely helpful. 

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:02 PM, gabe appleton <gappleto97@gmail.com> wrote:

Also, can we try to get a wiki page for the debate? That way we could condense the information as much as possible. I'll be willing to assist if the page gets approval.

On Jun 1, 2015 6:41 PM, "Mats Henricson" <mats@henricson.se> wrote:

My fingers have been itching many times now, this debate
drives me nuts.

I just wish all posters could follow two simple principles:

1. Read up. Yes. All of what has been written. Yes, it will
   take many hours. But if you're rehashing what other
   smarter people have said over and over before, you're
   wasting hundreds of peoples time. Please don't.

2. Be helpful. Suggest alternatives. Just cristizising is
   just destructive. If you want no change, then say so.


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