
I have been working on a proposal called Numerifides which would provide a general method to register human-readable names and arbitrary data (such as username->GPG key, domain->IP address, Lightning node Alias-> URI, etc).  Here are the key highlights:

--New transaction type called "numerifides" transactions
--Lock up Bitcoin for a certain amount of time to make the mappings valid, discourage "namesquatting"
--Transaction puzzle attached to transactions to allow community consensus revocation of highly contested names or "squatted" name mappings.
--Transactions are RBF so if name is contentious or miners wish to censor, one honest greedy miner can include the censored user's high-fee transaction)
--Solves Zooko's triangle of Secure, Decentralized and Human Meaningful

Full working spec is here:

I'd love feedback and possible enhancements, as I know this early rough draft does have a lot of room for improvement (I also think it would be remiss to incentivize filling blocks with data like this, and a possible change proposed on the lightning-dev list by ZmnSCPxj is a P2WSH defining the mapping that is gossiped about outside of the Bitcoin network, but I'd like to hear all comments).

Thank you for your time.
Tyler Hawkins