On Apr 9, 2017 7:00 PM, "Jared Lee Richardson via bitcoin-dev" <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
I can speak from personal experience regarding another very prominent altcoin that attempted to utilize an asic-resistant proof of work algorithm, it is only a matter of time before the "asic resistant" algorithm gets its own Asics.  The more complicated the algorithm, the more secretive the asic technology is developed.  Even without it, multi-megawatt gpu farms have already formed in the areas of the world with low energy costs.  I'd support the goal if I thought it possible, but I really don't think centralization of mining can be prevented.

On Apr 9, 2017 1:16 PM, "Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev" <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
Curious: I'm not sure why a serious discussion of POW change is not on the table as a part of a longer-term roadmap.

Done right, a ramp down of reliance on SHA-256 and a ramp-up on some of the proven, np-complete graph-theoretic or polygon manipulation POW would keep Bitcoin in commodity hardware and out of the hands of centralized manufacturing for many years.  

Clearly a level-playing field is critical to keeping centralization from being a "defining feature" of Bitcoin over the long term.   I've heard the term "level playing field" bandied about quite a bit.   And it seems to me that the risk of state actor control and botnet attacks is less than state-actor manipulation of specialized manufacturing of "SHA-256 forever" hardware.   Indeed, the reliance on a fairly simple hash seems less and less likely a "feature" and more of a baggage.

Perhaps regular, high-consensus POW changes might even be *necessary* as a part of good maintenance of cryptocurrency in general.   Killing the existing POW, and using an as-yet undefined, but deployment-bit ready POW field to flip-flop between the current and the "next one" every 8 years or or so, with a ramp down beginning in the 7th year....  A stub function that is guaranteed to fail unless a new consensus POW is selected within 7 years.  

Something like that?  

Haven't thought about it *that* much, but I think the network would respond well to a well known cutover date.   This would enable rapid-response to quantum tech, or some other needed POW switch as well... because the mechanisms would be in-place and ready to switch as needed.

Lots of people seem to panic over POW changes as "irresponsible", but it's only irresponsible if done irresponsibly.

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The real bottleneck today is the amount of capex required to achieve optimal mining. I am strongly in favor of PoW research that investigates better PoW, but I do not think that any obvious strategies are known yet to improve substantially on computation heavy hashcash.