Another thing that could be done is increase the number of times SHA256 is performed... but now we are really talking about altering the PoW algorithm.  Correct me if I'm wrong: The more number of times its performed, the less any patent-able pre or post calculation skipping/caching have an effect on efficiency.

The more complex that the PoW algorithm is, the more likely it is that someone finds a unique and special method for optimizing it that they are able to patent. And the more difficult it is to create specialized hardware to run that algorithm, meaning that there will be fewer players who are able to do so profitably (higher fixed costs).

If you want to talk about changing the PoW algorithm, you really want to be looking to simplify it so that it's more obvious (not that you can ever be completely sure) that there are no hidden or unexpected optimizations that someone could patent.

We can even do a lot better than SHA. Cryptographic hash functions need to be collision resistant, and collision resistance is the property that usually breaks. Preimage resistance and partial preimage resistance (and second preimage resistance) is generally easier to protect - to the best of our knowledge, md5 would actually still be a secure PoW function today.

It's bitterly ironic to me that so much research and effort has been put into making asic-resistant PoW algorithms when in the long run asic-resistance only leads to problems like these - single parties who have found significant optimizations and not shared them, completely destroying any chance of a level playing field and giving themselves a centralized monopoly - a result that is supremely unhealthy for the rest of the community.