Who would be the best person to interview who could explain this issue and workaround/resolution? I'd like to get an audio segment for the Let's Talk Bitcoin show ASAP, as this will be a big concern for many users who will not know what to do or be able to understand the problem. Any volunteers for a 15 min audio interview in the next 2 days? On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 9:28 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA512 > > Hello, > > I hope you are having a pleasant weekend. A few days ago we learned > that the Android implementation of the Java SecureRandom class > contains multiple severe vulnerabilities. As a result all private keys > generated on Android phones/tablets are weak and some signatures have > been observed to have colliding R values, allowing the private key to > be solved and money to be stolen. > > The public security alert is here: > > http://bitcoin.org/en/alert/2013-08-11-android > > I will shortly post in the bitcointalk forums as well. > > An update for the Bitcoin Wallet app has been prepared that bypasses > the system SecureRandom implementation and reads directly from > /dev/urandom instead, which is believed to be functioning correctly. > All unspent outputs in the wallet are then respent to this new key. > > The process is automatic and does not involve user intervention. > Andreas can control the process via a percentage throttle, which we > will use to slow things down if the memory pool load gets too high. > > A fixed APK is available here: > > > https://code.google.com/p/bitcoin-wallet/downloads/detail?name=bitcoin-wallet-3.15-beta.apk&can=2&q= > > Andreas plans to release this to beta either today or tomorrow. Once > some reasonable population of users has completed testing the > automated re-keying process, it will be released via the Play Store. > All users will get a notification informing them of the new version > and some will be upgraded automatically. > > Other wallet maintainers have also been notified and are working on > similar updates. > > thanks > - -mike > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.20 (Darwin) > Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org > Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/ > > iQEcBAEBCgAGBQJSB7udAAoJEPLkhhyZiIFvv7QIAJQf5AqpNdo0hWSubvcXu6H9 > QoYJllZRb3KhjDEaFU5xinvrN3co6mqRqctbhP2JplrwebEczd8GN4jJZyn90oES > 7oydQsnYGyO1+W64dnMjOXSCsvIerAv1TuYDIeRmVFlWzXEAbEK3QTB7G/qciF5x > YNh5M94HYFTCTzDwc3oCHJQUzbl/X/BwPS8TITmEZ3gfYDi+hoyUmHlZukjtFZf+ > /ukDqzWPswscUseuXlUqfu7EMbV0cFO2niCwuTsmkvxkjsz35bPD1LxMYmm1qEjw > FeKINcws74okK7pnAqsHYIiP0d64zOwfQFJqfFyek18f0LSqYf32h3h1F8GbmJU= > =bZtl > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Get 100% visibility into Java/.NET code with AppDynamics Lite! > It's a free troubleshooting tool designed for production. > Get down to code-level detail for bottlenecks, with <2% overhead. > Download for free and get started troubleshooting in minutes. > http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=48897031&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development >