If you want me to take your proposal seriously, you need to justify why 60% full is a good answer

Sure thing Gavin.

If you want blocks to be at least 60% full...

First off, I do not want blocks to be at least 60% full, so let me try and explain where I got this number from
A centralized decision, presumably by Satoshi, was made on the parameters that alter the target difficulty, rather than attempt to forecast hash rates based on his CPU power. He allowed the system to scale to a level where real market demand would take it. I believe the same approach should be replicated for the block size. The trick of course is settling on the right variables. I hope this proposal is a good way to do that.

Some additional calculations 

Block sizes for each year are theoretical maximums if ALL trigger points are activated in my proposal (unlikely, but anyway).
These calculations assume zero transactions are taken off-chain by third party processors or the LN, and no efficiency improvements.
  • 2015
    • 1 MB/block
    • 2 tps (conservative factor, also carried on below)
    • 0.17 million tx/day
  • 2016
    • 3.45 MB/block
    • 7 tps
    • 0.6 million tx/day 
  • 2017
    • 12 MB/block
    • 24 tps
    • 2 million tx/day 
  • 2018
    • 41 MB/block
    • 82 tps
    • 7 million tx/day
  • 2019
    • 142 MB/block
    • 284 tps
    • 25 million tx/day
  • 2020
    • 490 MB/block
    • 980 tps
    • 85 million tx/day
By way of comparison, Alipay (payment processor for the Alibaba Group's ecosystem) processes 30 million escrow transactions per day. This gives us at least 4-5 years to reach the present day transaction processing capacity of 1 corporation... in reality it will take a little longer as I doubt all block size triggers will be activated. This also gives us at least 4-5 years to develop efficiency improvements within the protocol, develop the LN to take many of these transactions off-chain, and network infrastructure to be significantly improved (and anything else this ecosystem can come up with).

(let me know if any of these calculations are off)