i'll second the bitcoin test list. Arklan ---------- As long as there is light, the darkness holds no fear. And yet, even in the deepest black, there is life. - Arklan Uth Oslin I want to leave this world the same way I came into it: backwards and on fire. - Arklan Uth Oslin On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 11:45 AM, steve wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > > Hi, > > On 11/10/2012 16:46, Gavin Andresen wrote: > > Any progress on a release candidate QA sanity testing plan? > > essentially yes - in all seriousness, I have come around to your way > of thinking, it is not worth arguing about. we end up in the same place. > > :) nothing is final though. I will be opening it up to Arklan in a bit > (I have a pool match tonight so after that depending on how drunk i > get.) and to another couple of people who have emailed me off list who > would like to be involved in testing. > > I have not created any new tests for the new stuff. this is still the > noddy stuff. > > It covers everything that needs to be covered for a newbe or someone > upgrading clients. > > and it is in many formats the moment (from wiki to test runner) none > particularly useful (about to import into mantis, just fiddling with > the fields so it does testcases) > > I have been trying to separate the tests into what can be automated, > recorded and checked by watching the video and have sanity checks > along the way (published sha and sha256 of the binaries match) - > (obviously the test is flagged to be run manually if there is any doubt) > > I did take myself outside and had a little sit down and talk to > myself. Lets not run before we can walk. I will still keep the grand > ideas, but they are on the back burner. (I got called a blue skies > thinker today, wtf is one of them? I said smiled and said thanks) > > the main things we make sure we get tested right are all the GAT tests > in bettermeans.They are more protocol based and should be run against > all releases. Lets nail that process, peer review it, retest it, then > use that as a basis for The Process. I will temper my zealousness. I > realise that I can come across as bullish or even aggressive in my > emails. I never mean too.(unless I say I am. That is not an excuse > for my poor english language skills.) > > But I still think that the people running the tests should have the > greatest say in what software is used. So once you have access to the > server and the cases feel free to install your favourite software and > see what other people think. > > but we have a vague structure and workflow so it will be interesting > to see how it works out. > > the git integration will be trivial. > > please email me if you would like access. I am off out in 15 mins but > I promise to have all access sorted by tomorrow. I am only using 3 > vps to show example testing and test platforms. I would like it if we > could get a technet license with the donations so far, I use mine (and > my msdn) for work. > > also check out bettermeans for the formats that I will be using. > > bollocks. bollocks. bollocks > > https://secure.bettermeans.com/projects/4180 > > bye bye bettermeans. how we never knew ye. > > Gavin, can we get a bitcoin-test mailing list please. it would be > used for discussion of testing, tools, ideas, chatter, etc. it would > not be a place reporting bugs... This list seems very focused and I > always feel like I am disrupting things with my emails about test. I > dont mind admining the list. I would rather be vocal and inclusive, I > dont think the dev list is the place for that. > > > > > > > Bitcoin version 0.7.1 release candidate 1 is now available from: > > > http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/files/Bitcoin/bitcoin-0.7.1/test/ > > > > This is a bug-fix minor release. > > > > New features ------------ > > > > * Added a boolean argument to the RPC 'stop' command, if true sets > > -detachdb to create standalone database .dat files before shutting > > down. > > > > * -salvagewallet command-line option, which moves any existing > > wallet.dat to wallet.{timestamp}.dat and then attempts to salvage > > public/private keys and master encryption keys (if the wallet is > > encrypted) into a new wallet.dat. This should only be used if your > > wallet becomes corrupted, and is not intended to replace regular > > wallet backups. > > > > * Import $DataDir/bootstrap.dat automatically, if it exists. > > > > Dependency changes ------------------ > > > > * Qt 4.8.2 for Windows builds > > > > * openssl 1.0.1c > > > > Bug fixes --------- > > > > * When running -testnet, use RPC port 18332 by default. > > > > * Better detection and handling of corrupt wallet.dat and > > blkindex.dat files. Previous versions would crash with a > > DB_RUNRECOVERY exception, this version detects most problems and > > tells you how to recover if it cannot recover itself. > > > > * Fixed an uninitialized variable bug that could cause transactions > > to be reported out of order. > > > > * Fixed a bug that could cause occasional crashes on exit. > > > > * Warn the user that they need to create fresh wallet backups after > > they encrypt their wallet. > > > > > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32) > Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://www.enigmail.net/ > > iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJQdwWxAAoJEFvEB9dQFvtQiuMIAJpdu23biq56apMO/KfqmSB0 > kQPflDD2XMxTknfqzRs35/EFgL0mJ/cYfY3qTW9JOWL/cit4ieq2EA4P3uQeFFDC > NCxIuDxOzOIaZ+SzRZENXdpVWKRNP1RgUCANm3YfrJBlavr9a/om36nP1IK0W4MB > QcPXrrZvipt1xhx1G/V6NvYbZA3lTAJBFzuz2oRJNwlYoExJFw8EHBypa67BUNOj > NDg1Wu5Ppyq7dZbgfhw4HxIIvgwn/vaSm/tX6HJxyKN7HUJIbIyQrSbPGUvWCsBW > KI6e88DPdG0x0ltqVXja+51n3F9G4H/zTIbB0GyiRDn0GcGwi/GolF5PAgz0tR8= > =zniH > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Don't let slow site performance ruin your business. 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