Thanks for the Summary Michael! It seems like fee-sensitive timelocks weren't discussed too much in the workshop, unless I'm missing something. I also don't see any downside to it discussed (other than that it needs a soft-fork). It seems like that would be a great way to substantially increase the resilience of the LN to temporary periods of fee congestion, even potentially long-running periods that last weeks. It might even help in non-temporary fee market increases by giving participants extra time to use some fee-bumping technique to close or restructure their channels to compensate for the elevated fee market. On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 1:16 PM Michael Folkson via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > The workshop was previously announced by ariard on the bitcoin-dev > mailing list here: > > > > A reminder was posted to the bitcoin-dev mailing list here: > > > > The conversation log for the workshop is here: > > > I’ll summarize what was discussed during the meeting but please refer > to the L2 zoology repo ariard has set up for background context and > additional notes: > > General considerations > > I think it is worth first reiterating the obvious that there will > never be perfect security guarantees on network transaction fee rates > or transaction relay. Network fee rates can in theory go up to > anything (upper limit of infinity) and will always to some degree be > inherently unpredictable. In addition transaction acceptance can never > be guaranteed even if you attempt a direct connection to a miner. At > the same time L2 protocols (e.g. Lightning and DLCs) elevate > transaction propagation and inclusion in a time sensitive mined block > to a security assumption from what used to just be a usability > assumption (BlueMatt). Within those confines these workshops are > attempting to strengthen that security assumption knowing that > guaranteeing it is out of reach. > > There are considerations that blocked transaction propagation isn’t > necessarily a problem for the victim if it is also blocked for the > attacker. In addition some successful attacks present an opportunity > for the victim to divert their funds to miner fees (e.g. scorched > earth) ensuring the attacker doesn’t financially benefit from the > attack (harding). Personally I would argue neither of these present > much assurance to the victim. Out of conservatism one should assume > that the attacker has greater resources than the victim (e.g. a direct > line to a miner) and knowing a victim’s lost funds went to the miner > instead of the attacker isn’t of much comfort to the victim (other > than potentially presenting a disincentive for the attack in the first > place). This is obviously further complicated if the miner is the > attacker. In addition any incentive for miners to not mine > transactions to wait for a potential pay-all-to-fee are troubling > (t-bast). > > New(ish) ideas > > RubenSomsen brought up the idea of fee sensitive timelocks, they would > need a soft fork. ariard briefly discussed the idea of a transaction > relay overlay network. harding stated his opinion that we should be > leaning more on miners’ profit incentive rather than attempting to > normalize mempool policy (e.g. > > > ). > t-bast raised the prospect of mining pools exposing public APIs to > push them transactions directly. > > The impact of changes to Bitcoin Core on L2 protocols > > Some changes to Core (e.g. some privacy improvements) can conflict > with the goal of minimizing transaction propagation times. > Chris_Stewart_5 raised the idea of a nightly bitcoind build to give L2 > developers a way to write regression tests against the latest builds > of bitcoind. He added that L2 devs should write automated regression > test suites against bitcoind exposed RPC commands. t-bast would like a > bitcoind “evicttx” RPC to remove a transaction from the mempool on > regtest. > > Full RBF > > In advance of the workshop ariard posted to the mailing list a > proposal for full RBF in a future version of Bitcoin Core: > > > > Progress in this direction has been attempted in the past (e.g. > BlueMatt pointed out > that even with full RBF it is trivial to create mempool partitions. As > long as RBF has a fee rate increase minimum an attacker can trivially > split the mempool by broadcasting two conflicting transactions with > the same fee. > > ariard plans to contact businesses (e.g. Lightning onboarding services > relying on zero confirmations) to check that this possible eventual > move to full RBF doesn’t present a problem for them. There could well > be engineering work required in advance of the possible change being > made. > > Next week’s meeting > > Next week’s meeting (Tuesday 22nd June, 19:00 UTC, > #l2-onchain-support, Libera) will be on fee bumping and package relay > that glozow has recently been working to advance in Bitcoin Core. > > -- > Michael Folkson > Email: > Keybase: michaelfolkson > PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3 > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >