>  the validity of a sponsor txn is "monotonically" true at any point after the inclusion of the sponsored txn in a block.

Oh I see his point now. If sponsors were valid at any point in the future, not only would a utxo index be needed but an index of all transactions. Yeah, that wouldn't be good. And the solution of bounding the sponsor transaction to be valid in some window after the transaction is included doesn't solve the original point of making sponsor transactions never become invalid. Thanks for the clarification James, and good point Jeremy.

On Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 1:19 PM James O'Beirne <james.obeirne@gmail.com> wrote:
> What do you mean by monotone in the context of sponsor transactions?

I take this to mean that the validity of a sponsor txn is
"monotonically" true at any point after the inclusion of the sponsored
txn in a block.

> And when you say tx-index, do you mean an index for looking up a
> transaction by its ID? Is that not already something nodes do?

Indeed, not all nodes have this ability. Each bitcoind node has a map
of unspent coins which can be referenced by outpoint i.e.(txid, index),
but the same isn't true for all historical transactions. I
(embarrassingly) forgot this in the prior post.

The map of (txid -> transaction) for all time is a separate index that
must be enabled via the `-txindex=1` flag; it isn't enabled by default
because it isn't required for consensus and its growth is unbounded.

> > The current consensus threshold for transactions to become invalid
> > is a 100 block reorg
> What do you mean by this? The only 100 block period I'm aware of is
> the coinbase cooldown period.

If there were a reorg deeper than 100 blocks, it would permanently
invalidate any transactions spending the recently-matured coinbase
subsidy in any block between $new_reorg_tip and ($former_tip_height -
100). These invalidated spends would not be able to be reorganized
into a new replacement chain.

How this differs in practice or principle from a "regular" double-spend
via reorg I'll leave for another message. I'm not sure that I understand
that myself. Personally I think if we hit a >100 block reorg, we've got
bigger issues than coinbase invalidation.