Hello, I was reading some of the thread but can't say I read the entire thing. I think that it is realistic to cinsider a nlock sixe of 20MB for any block txn to occur. THis is an enormous amount of data (relatively for a netwkrk) in which the avergage rate of 10tps over 10 miniutes would allow for fewasible transformation of data at this curent point in time. Though I do not see what extra hash information would be stored in the overall ecosystem as we begin to describe what the scripts that are atacrhed tp the blockchain would carry, I'd therefore think that for the remainder of this year that it is possible to have a block chain within 200 - 300 bytes that is more charatereistic of some feasible attempts at attaching nuanced data in order to keep propliifc the blockchain but have these identifiers be integral OPSIg of the the entiore block. THe reasoning behind this has to do with encryption standards that can be added toe a chain such as th DH algoritnm keys that would allow for a higher integrity level withinin the system as it is. Cutrent;y tyh prootocl oomnly controls for the amount of transactions through if TxnOut script and the publin key coming form teh lcoation of the proof-of-work. Form this then I think that a rate of higher than then current standard of 92bytes allows for GPUS ie CUDA to perfirm its standard operations of 1216 flops in rde rto mechanize a new personal identity within the chain that also attaches an encrypted instance of a further categorical variable that we can prsribved to it. I think with the current BIP7 prootclol for transactions there is an area of vulnerability for man-in-the-middle attacks upon request of bitcin to any merchant as is. It would contraidct the security of the bitcoin if it was intereceptefd iand not allowed to reach tthe payment network or if the hash was reveresed in orfr to change the value it had. Therefore the current best fit block size today is between 200 - 300 bytws (depending on how exciteed we get) Thanks for letting me join the conversation I welcomes any vhalleneged and will reply with more research as i figure out what problems are revealed in my current formation of thoughts (sorry for the errors but i am just trying to move forward ---> THE DELRERT KEY LITERALLY PREVENTS IT ) _Damian