Hi Chris, This is a really exciting effort. I hope I will be able to contribute to it. I was wondering if you had seen the idea that DLCs can be done in only two transaction using Schnorr[1]. I also think this can be done in Bitcoin as it is today using ECDSA adaptor signatures [2]. In my mind, the adaptor signature protocol is both easier to specify and implement on top of being cheaper and more private. LL [1] https://lists.launchpad.net/mimblewimble/msg00485.html [2] https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2019-November/002316.html On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 2:12 AM Chris Stewart via bitcoin-dev < bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote: > Hi all, > > Suredbits and Crypto Garage have begun to work on a specification for > using discreet log contracts in a > safe, private and interoperable way. We are writing to the mailing list to > inform and solicit feedback for the protocol specification so that we can > -- as a community -- agree on a common standard to use Bitcoin oracles. > > Our goal is to end up with a set of documents like the BIPs (Bitcoin > Improvement Proposals) and BOLTs (Basis of Lightning Technology) so that > others that wish to use the technology can easily write software to > integrate into the protocol. > > A secondary goal of ours is to remain compatible with standards used by > other bitcoin related protocols (like Lightning) so that every future > bitcoin related protocol can reach for a “toolbox” of agreed standards for > things like funding transactions and closing transactions. We want to avoid > reinventing the wheel where possible and allow for library developers to > re-use software to hook into many bitcoin related protocols. > > You can find the specification repository here: > > https://github.com/discreetlogcontracts/dlcspecs/ > > For more information on DLCs: > > [1] - https://adiabat.github.io/dlc.pdf > > [2] - https://cryptogarage.co.jp/p2pd/ > > [3] - > https://suredbits.com/discreet-log-contracts-part-1-what-is-a-discreet-log-contract/ > > [4] - > https://blockstream.com/2019/04/19/en-transacting-bitcoin-based-p2p-derivatives/ > > [5] - https://dci.mit.edu/smart-contracts > > -Chris > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev >