I agree with spelling out the `address` field.

As for "value is either an address or an array of addresses", there is no standard for specifying an array in a URI, and processing different querystring schemes is application-specific. (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9547490)

Since those app-specific methods don't necessarily preserve order, which is important here, the most compatible fallback is a delimiter-separated list under one parameter. Most languages have library functions for splitting strings on commas.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 5:13 PM vv01f via bitcoin-dev <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
I already pointed out a while ago that the separator could be the & and
the returning value is either an address or an array of addresses.
So no comma or other delimiter needed.
also I would suggest to call the parameter `address` and not a shortcut
for it as we are used to `message` and `amount` spelled out as well.

On 18.10.2018 16:20, Clark Moody via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Since we don't know what sort of address changes will happen later on, you
> could make this future-proof by passing a list of addresses to `addr`.
> The syntax is
> bitcoin:<address>[?addr=<address>[,<address>[,<address>]]]

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