Meeting Title: #bitcoin-dev Weekly Development Meeting Meeting Date: 2015-10-01 Meeting Time: 19:00-20:00 UTC Participants in Attendance: dstadulis wumpus morcos gmaxwell btcdrak jonasshnelli maaku sdaftuar sipa BlueMatt CodeShark Luke-Jr bsm117532 jgarzik IRC Chat Logs: ---------------------------- Topics Discussed: 1.) Mempool limiting 2.) BIP68 + CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY 3.) CLTV soft fork deployment 4.) libconsensus merge time window 4.1) Agreement there should be a merge window for move-only changes 4.2)jtimon will document higher-level rationales for moves, so people can first agree on what should move where ---------------------------- 2015-10-01 Meeting Conclusions: # Action items Responsible Parties Due Date/ETA 1 Mempool limiting: BlueMatt: to finish 6722 code. Others:Try attacking 6722, 6557, and 6673 to see edge-case behavior BlueMatt et al Undetermined due date 2 morcos email dev list with chain-limit proposal, sdaftuar will review proposal before list is emailed morcos & sdaftuar Undetermined due date 3 CLTV backport PRs #6706 and #6707 (backport 0.10 and 0.11 respectively) need review ASAP All ASAP 4 Need reviews/ACKs of BIP68 #6312, BIP112 CSV #6564, BIP113 #6566 All By 2015-10-08 5 Document higher-level rationales for libconsensus moves, so people can first agree on what should move where jtimon Undetermined due date