Thanks for the clarification.

So, since RBF applies only to pending transactions in the mempool awaiting incorporation into a block, there is a window of opportunity in which the pending tx is incorporated into a block at the same time that the spender is constructing and publishing a replacement for that pending tx. 

The replacement transaction would be rejected by the peer network as a double spend because it conflicts with the now confirmed original tx, and the spender will have to go back and create a new stand-alone transaction to accomplish what they hoped to do with an RBF replacement.

So an implementation that wishes to take advantage of RBF will still need to have a "plan B" implementation path to handle the corner case of a replacement tx being rejected as a double spend.

Is this correct?  

I'm just trying to get my head around the implementation cost vs benefit of RBF in the context of my applications.


On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Pieter Wuille <> wrote:

It's just a mempool policy rule.

Allowing the contents of blocks to change (other than by mining a competing chain) would be pretty much the largest possible change to Bitcoin's design....