Hello devs,

For UI purposes I'd like to be able to associate metadata to transactions and address book records.

To be clear, this is completely client-side and will never see the block chain.

For transactions:

-   std::string description; // A description that the user can give to a transaction, after he sent/received it, for example "ordered eggs"

For addresses:

-   bool visibleInInterface; // Visible in interface; useful to hide old addresses/labels from the lists, without removing them for lookup purposes

These are my current ideas; probably, more metadata can be useful later on (accounting category, links to 3rd party services, etc), so an extensible system would be nice.

Any ideas as to what would be the best place to put this, while minimizing the core changes?

I'm aware that this could also be implemented completely inside the UI code, but I'm not sure this is nice, as it would put database handling etc there and would mean even more data files for the user to backup/track.