Hi John!

 Thank you for your answer...

 I have "two kinds" of address, the "static address", which I created myself for any personal reason, and the "dinamic address", which is the automatic generated address when I receive some Bitcoin amount, I label each one (the automatic created by the software) with something like "DINAMIC-1", "DINAMIC-2" and so on...

 I use my "dinamic address" in a "random" way, following the moon phase... lol

 My point is: I like to keep track of all my Bitcoin Address, they are all my...

 Please, leave this feature alive, as a option, disabled by default.

 I don't know why people fear about their own address... It is all under "Receiving" tab! There is nothing to fear about it.


 BTW, I think this option should have some explanations at the "Options screen", for example:

 For increasing your anonymity, enable the "Dinamic Bitcoin Address" option and make sure to always use one new and different address for each transaction. And do not link each address with your person!

 (X) Dynamic Bitcoin Address (a new Bitcoin Address will be created automatically for you, after each new received Bitcoin amount)


 Thank you so much!


2011/9/22 John Smith <witchspace81@gmail.com>

2011/9/22 Martinx - ジェームズ <thiagocmartinsc@gmail.com>
Hi everybody!!

 This is my first message here... I'm ThiagoCMC at bitcointalk...

 Well, one of the features that I like most is that, every time I receive some Bitcoin amount, a new address appear at my "AddressBook"automatically, AND, I like to track it.

Can I ask your rationale for this?

From what I've noticed, most people's workflow is to create a new receiving address for each new contact that sends them bitcoins (either for every transaction, or they reuse the address for this person).  To make sure that the address is labeled, they create it themselves and then give out the generated address.

They are utterly spooked by suddenly appearing unlabeled addresses, of which they are unsure whether they are used, and which can never be removed.

I'm fine with adding it back as an option but please leave it disabled by default...