Obviously the answer is to just display all fees and trading rates as BTC or MBTC (.0000005 MBTC fee? how cheap!).  On a more serious note, the transition should definitely be thought out well as it could be very damaging to have this confusion, but I would prefer to do it only once rather than twice.

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Alan Reiner <etotheipi@gmail.com> wrote:
Just keep in mind it will be a little awkward that 54.3 uBTC is the smallest unit that can be transferred [easily] and the standard fees are 500 uBTC.    It's not a deal breaker, it's just something that needs to be taken into consideration when it comes to user perception (which is one of the reasons we would make such a change in the first place). 

"Holy crap these fees are huge!  I thought Bitcoin didn't have fees!"

On 11/14/2013 04:55 PM, Allen Piscitello wrote:
> I also would prefer to go straight to uBTC as the "standard wallet unit".    It works out perfectly with Satoshi's being the decimal units.  Something that costs $10USD would be 25000uBTC.  This isn't a problem for a place like South Korea, where 10USD is about 10,000 Won, so we aren't even off on a scale of usable currencies in major economies.
> The downsides are obviously confusion (causing mistakes resulting in lost coins), and possibly from a psychological perspective on price (uBTC are worthless!).  On the other hand, it also might help people feel like they are getting in on the ground floor still (I own 100,000 uBTC!), and reduce the perception the Bitcoins are not divisible (I have heard several people worry that 21 million is not enough units).
> Alan's ideas for compatibility with multiple fields will also be helpful to solving the confusion issue.
> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Mark Friedenbach <mark@monetize.io <mailto:mark@monetize.io>> wrote:

For this reason I'm in favor of skipping mBTC and moving straight to
uBTC. Having eight, or even five decimal places is not intuitive to
the average user. Two decimal places is becoming standard for new
national currencies, and we wouldn't be too far from human scale
everyday numbers: 25.00uBTC ~= $0.01 currently. And I don't think very
many people on this list would consider bitcoin overvalued in the long
term perspective.

Better to go through a confusing renumbering only once.


On 11/14/13 12:01 PM, Alan Reiner wrote:
> ... I'm also of the opinion that it's freakin' hard to change the
> base unit in such an established system.  There is no easy way to
> do this that doesn't cause more heartache than it's worth...

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