On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Luke-Jr <luke@dashjr.org> wrote:

How are they compatible if they could be using entirely different word lists??

Wordlist is necessary for the step [seed]->[mnemonic]. Step [mnemonic]->[bip32 root] doesn't need any wordlist, there's just hashing involved.
For this reason client can generate whatever mnemonic and unless all clients use the same process [mnemonic]->[bip32 root], the result is the same.
Maybe I'm missing something, but shouldn't this be a client-side thing, not
implemented in the Trezor firmware at all?? O.o;;

Trezor generates the seed and transforms it to mnemonic (which is then shown on internal display). Generating the mnemonic outside the client-side (computer) is one of main functionality of Trezor.
