> > > I would comment on this point, but I'm not sure I'm "technical enough". I > have to admit: I've never played tennis. > You are technicial enough to read the nacks... everyone is: https://github.com/JeremyRubin/utxos.org/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc I can give a summary of the nack arguments here on one sentence: "I am resisting a consensus change because we don't have consensus" It's lovely recursive logic ------ The most cogent *technical* arguments against ctv seem fall into 3 camps: 1. APO is better for eltoo: https://twitter.com/rusty_twit/status/1518007923896578048?s=20&t=8IUgni_i5jcfSlJ1Gy7T1A 2. CTV doesn't have recursion, but i want recursion... which are swiftly followed by arguments against recursion: https://bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/2022/03/09/#limiting-script-language-expressiveness (I usually ignore this one) 3. TLUV is super cool for vaults, so why are we even talking about CTV when TLUV is better? I like this (positive vibes) summary: https://raymonddurk.medium.com/bitcoin-after-taproot-86c93fe5cc0c Nowhere in there would anyone say CTV is "bad". Just that other opcodes will wind up being used more because they are more purpose-fit for If only we had unlimited resources we could have APO/TLUV;/CTV all ready to go and be able to evaluate them on a level playing field / signet. Does this sound about right? Am I missing something? - Erik