Personally, I would prefer if a 2MB lock-in that uses BIP103 for the timing. I think up to 20% per year can be absorbed by averages in bandwidth/CPU/RAM growth, of which bandwidth seems the most constraining. - Erik On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Luke Dashjr via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > In light of some recent discussions, I wrote up this BIP for a real 2 MB > block > size hardfork following Segwit BIP148 activation. This is not part of any > agreement I am party to, nor anything of that sort. Just something to throw > out there as a possible (and realistic) option. > > Note that I cannot recommend this to be adopted, since frankly 1 MB blocks > really are still too large, and this blunt-style hardfork quite risky even > with consensus. But if the community wishes to adopt (by unanimous > consensus) > a 2 MB block size hardfork, this is probably the best way to do it right > now. > The only possible way to improve on this IMO would be to integrate it into > MMHF/"spoonnet" style hardfork (and/or add other unrelated-to-block-size HF > improvements). > > I have left Author blank, as I do not intend to personally champion this. > Before it may be assigned a BIP number, someone else will need to step up > to > take on that role. Motivation and Rationale are blank because I do not > personally think there is any legitimate rationale for such a hardfork at > this > time; if someone adopts this BIP, they should complete these sections. (I > can > push a git branch with the BIP text if someone wants to fork it.) > >
> BIP: ?
> Layer: Consensus (hard fork)
> Title: Post-segwit 2 MB block size hardfork
> Author: FIXME
> Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
> Comments-URI: ?
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Created: 2017-05-22
> License: BSD-2-Clause
> > ==Abstract== > > Legacy Bitcoin transactions are given the witness discount, and a block > size > limit of 2 MB is imposed. > > ==Copyright== > > This BIP is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license. > > ==Specification== > > Upon activation, a block size limit of 2000000 bytes is enforced. > The block weight limit remains at 4000000 WU. > > The calculation of block weight is modified: > all witness data, including both scriptSig (used by pre-segwit inputs) and > segwit witness data, is measured as 1 weight-unit (WU), while all other > data > in the block is measured as 4 WU. > > The witness commitment in the generation transaction is no longer required, > and instead the txid merkle root in the block header is replaced with a > hash > of: > > 1. The witness reserved value. > 2. The witness merkle root hash. > 3. The transaction ID merkle root hash. > > The maximum size of a transaction stripped of witness data is limited to 1 > MB. > > ===Deployment=== > > This BIP is deployed by flag day, in the block where the median-past time > surpasses 1543503872 (2018 Nov 29 at 15:04:32 UTC). > > It is assumed that when this flag day has been reached, Segwit has been > activated via BIP141 and/or BIP148. > > ==Motivation== > > FIXME > > ==Rationale== > > FIXME > > ==Backwards compatibility== > > This is a hardfork, and as such not backward compatible. > It should not be deployed without consent of the entire Bitcoin community. > Activation is scheduled for 18 months from the creation date of this BIP, > intended to give 6 months to establish consensus, and 12 months for > deployment. > > ==Reference implementation== > > FIXME > > > > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >