> As said, Open Asset is not a draft proposal and is already used in the wild since 2014. We can't easily modify the protocol by now for improving it. You can, however, provide a new OA2.0 protocol that improves upon these issues, and assure that upgraded wallets maintain support for both versions. It seems like OA's stance has *always *been to focus on integration, rather than fixing the core protocol and then, by virtue of having the largest integration, saying things like "it's too late to turn back now". Colu and Chromaway/EPOBC also have stuff "in the wild". I would love to see an RFC-style standard "multiple-colored-coin-protocol" written by reps from all of the major protocols and that meta-merges the features of these implementations - in collaboration with feedback from core developers that understand the direction the protocol will be taking and the issues to avoid. HTTP/TCP/IP MCCP/BTC As it stands, investors have to install multiple wallets to deal with these varying implementations. Merging them into one "meta-specification" fairly soon might be in the best interests of the community and of future shareholders.