On 13 March 2014 16:50, Mike Hearn wrote: > On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote: > >> Such hand-wavy, data-free logic is precisely why community >> coordination is preferred to random apps making random decisions in >> this manner. >> > > That ship sailed months ago. If you wanted a big push for uBTC, then would > have been the time. Though given that it'd have made lots of normal > balances incredibly huge, perhaps it's a good thing that didn't happen. > Also "milli" is a unit people encounter in daily life whereas micro isn't. > Is it milli / micro / nano or milli / nano / micro? I bet a lot of people > would get that wrong. > > If you have to export to financial packages that can't handle fractional > pennies, then by all means represent prices in whatever units you like for > that purpose, but in software designed for ordinary people in everyday life > mBTC is a pretty good fit. > > Besides, fractional pennies crop up in existing currencies too (the famous > Verizon Math episode showed this), so if a financial package insists on > rounding to 2dp then I guess it may sometimes do the wrong thing in some > business cases already. > > Fundamentally, more than two decimal places tends to violate the >> Principle Of Least Astonishment with many humans, and as a result, >> popular software systems have been written with that assumption. > > > Lots of people use currencies that don't have any fractional components at > all ! So perhaps all prices should be denominated in satoshis to ensure > that they're not surprised :) > > The (number) line has to be drawn somewhere. Wallets are free to suppress > more than 2dp of precision and actually Andreas' app lets you choose your > preferred precision. So I think in the end it won't matter a whole lot, if > the defaults end up being wrong people can change them until wallet authors > catch up. > +1 agree with Mike on everything A couple of points: 1. bitcoinity already switched to mbtc aka millitbits ( https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/MilliBit ) and it was positively recieved, they got quite a few donations 2. If you watch Gavin's talk at the CFR he suggests the community comes to a consensus through implementations rather than top down decision making (If I understood correctly) I think it's up to wallet maintainers whether to switch the default. > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book > "Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to graph databases and their > applications. Written by three acclaimed leaders in the field, > this first edition is now available. Download your free book today! > http://p.sf.net/sfu/13534_NeoTech > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development > >