On 15 November 2013 01:37, Daniel F wrote: > > This is a decentralized currency, and we should avoid centralizing > > decisions. This is something that impacts the community at large, and > > deserves input and discussion at every level. > > > > I would suggest posting on all possible forums "proposal: switch to > > uBTC, labelled as ISO prefers (XBT?)" and see what sort of discussion > > is generated. If the support is broad, it will be plain from the > > responses if there is a consensus. Perhaps everyone will agree it is > > the best course, and we can make an easy change. > > > > But we need less "core dev fiat" not more :) > > > this seems like such a paint-the-bikeshed problem that it's sure to > generate vast volumes of discussion, waste a lot of people's time, and > all for only a dubious (imo) gain. (case in point - here i am > contributing to it :) ). > > i agree that we should avoid centralizing this. i'll go a step further > and note that the client already has a dropdown allowing individuals to > choose units. merchants are free to choose to price in different units. > exchanges are free to denominate trade in different units. > > i suggest we just let the market do its thing and not get into trying to > 'make a decision' of any sort. > I do agree with you here e.g. I think the question of the ISO code (XBT vs BTC) is probably out of scope for this thread, and there was no clear consensus, when it came up on the forums. As a data point, the price of bitcoin has gone up roughly 1000x since satoshi made his suggestion that the decimal point could move 3 places. I dont think it's a question of centralization, I was just seeking opinion on what people felt about the reference implementation. How about just changing the default value in the dropdown from BTC -> to mBTC The the other clients and exchange choose whether they want to follow suit or not > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > DreamFactory - Open Source REST & JSON Services for HTML5 & Native Apps > OAuth, Users, Roles, SQL, NoSQL, BLOB Storage and External API Access > Free app hosting. Or install the open source package on any LAMP server. > Sign up and see examples for AngularJS, jQuery, Sencha Touch and Native! > http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=63469471&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development >