On 10 June 2013 10:26, John Dillon wrote: > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA256 > > On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Melvin Carvalho > wrote: > > -1 > > > > Firstly I appreciate the ingenious thought that went into this post. > > > > However, Bitcoin's fundamental philosophy was one CPU one vote. > > Indeed it was. Which is why as GPU's came onto the scene Satoshi was > strongly > against them. I have to wonder what he thinks of ASICs where just a > handful of > companies control the supply of Bitcoin hashing power. > Thanks for your reply. Do you have a pointer to Satoshi being strongly against GPU? I'd be interested to see that. FWIW, I've read all his forum posts a few times, I just dont recall this one, tho I'm sure it's there... > > Satoshi also never forsaw pools, which are why just 2 or 3 people control > the > majority of Bitcoin hashing power. > > > The asymmetry lies in psychological terms, in that new defaults tend to > be > > adopted 80% of the time, so core devs have disproportionate amount of > power > > as things stand. > > That's why I'm very clear that doing nothing is a vote for the status quo. > Of > course wallet authors can do what they want to try to get users to vote > according to their wishes, or for that matter simply steal your vote, but > we > already must put a lot of faith into wallets to not steal our funds. > > > Unless there's a very good reason not to, e.g. miners are clearly abusing > > the system, we should stick with 1 CPU one vote. > > People are proposing we put control of the blocksize entirely into the > hands of > miners, yet we all have an interest in auditing the blocks miners produce. > There must be balance. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) > > iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJRtY2jAAoJEEWCsU4mNhiPQEsH/0VNA7aJYdUbJjTnIiKoaCv3 > JtWS1MKHjAJE6ZPDt+T/QPkEdZI4kNz3DGcZL6EDJtvZxZHfvEIaZDF1gpaH6OkC > oIZ0PkFPOxi0cncuAvT/a770evu7LzuT6fisY3EgGnlHujLQZ47LEa73Xo7pJVc7 > RJHamGwkj+3HZRIuZIAn87qws/zRyTx5SXvb56xCKb0oxE4ZO0dn+8/nNSPWw13i > p3LpLlEQBBu+Du2nPSQupRjkz4MPP8v9EYefV5cjtNBK7ufAvA64OnwKB5dST+h+ > N/vBcj3EIj/WEOf4myGcVxKp+skJ2SJDwxLigevgkKYPDNTVfXIverdXB0ANrQA= > =c8iU > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- >