On 22 July 2013 16:44, Pieter Wuille <pieter.wuille@gmail.com> wrote:

I should have brought up this suggestion before, as there seems to be relevant other work.

I'd like to propose encoding keys data (whatever type) with a birth timestamp as:
 * <serialized key>@<unix timestamp in decimal>

The reason for not incorporating this inside the key serialization (for example BIP32), is because
birth timestamps are more generally a property of an address, rather than the key it is derived from.
For one, it is useful for non-extended standard serialized private keys, but for P2SH addresses,
the "private key" is really the actual scriptPubKey, but birth data is equally useful for this.

Reason for choosing the '@' character: it's not present in the base58, hex, or base64 encodings that
are typically used for key/script data.

One downside is that this means no checksum-protection for the timestamp, but the advantage is
increased genericity. It's also longer than using a binary encoding, but this is an optional
part anyway, and I think "human typing" is already fairly hard anyway.

Is there a BIP for this?

@ is normally used in conjunction with things other than a time stamp ...

You may want to look at RFC 4151


They had an idea on adding time stamps to identifiers. 

First impression is that the sacrifice in opacity does not seem to justify the utility.


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