We all love bitcoin's ability to transfer value in real time across borders.

But the regulatory environment in many geographical regions in uncertain.   Do we need to pay capital gains?   Do we need to pay a sales taxs etc. etc.

At this point bitcoin is small enough for this to not be a huge issue, but one day that may change (maybe we hope!).

So my idea is to voluntarily pre empt legislation by giving donations to govt (aka taxation) for bitcoin service providers. 

However, there is something of a problem with voluntary donations.  Most people are not satisfied with the way they are spent.  In the UK a recent survey said that only 18% of people thought that tax money was wisely spent.  This is bad for govt., bad for people, and bad for the trusted relationship.

Can we fix it?  Maybe we smart contract and voluntary donations it's possible!

So let's say I run a business and I make 1 million euros.  I wish to donate 10% of my profits to society.  But let's say I dont want that money to go to wars of aggression, but rather, to the fire de[department. 

So we set up a smart contract that is only "cashable" if the money goes to the right place (verified by an oracle). 

At this point everyone wins.  The business person is happy to make a contribution.  The govt. is happy that it gets more revenue.  The fire dept. is happy that it has revenue to do its work.  And everything has gone to the right place in a kind of democratic way.

Over time if it takes off, this could provide revenue for many essential services that are needed by people, in a way that allows more democratic freedom of choice.

So my question is whether it may be possible to use smart contracts to achieve a better democracy that is good for people, good for govt, and good for innovation?  My hope is that the answer is ...

"Yes We Can"
