Isn't there some way to "rebase" a relative lock-time to some anchor even further in the past while cancelling out the intermediate transactions? best regards, Martin On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 9:52 AM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > Good morning list, > > I was reading transcript of recent talk: > > > And in section "Taproot: main idea": > > > Q: Can you do timelocks iwth adaptor signatures? > > > > ... > > > > A: This is one way it's being proposed by mimblewimble; but this > requires the ability to aggregate signatures across transactions. > > > > Q: No, there's two transactions already existing. Before locktime, you > can spend wit hthe adaptor signature one like atomic swaps. After locktime, > the other one becomes valid and you can spend with that. They just double > spend each other. > > > > A: You'd have to diagram that out for me. There's a few ways to do this, > some that I know, but yours isn't one of them. > > I believe what is being referred to here is to simply have an `nLockTime` > transaction that is signed by all participants first, and serves as the > "timelock" path. > Then, another transaction is created, for which adaptor signatures are > given, before completing the ritual to create a "hashlock" path. > > I find it surprising that this is not well-known. > I describe it here tangentially, for instance: > > The section "Payjoin2swap Swap Protocol" refers to "pre-swap transaction" > and "pre-swap backout transaction", which are `nLockTime`d transactions. > Later transactions then use a Scriptless Script-like construction to > transfer information about a secret scalar x. > > My understanding of MimbleWimble is that: > > * There must exist a proof-of-knowledge of the sum of blinding factors > used. > This can be trivially had by using a signature of this sum, signing an > empty message or "kernel". > * I believe I have seen at least one proposal (I cannot find it again now) > where the "kernel" is replaced with an `nLockTime`-equivalent. > Basically, the `nLockTime` would have to be explicitly published, and it > would be rejected for a block if the `nLockTime` was less than the block > height. > * There may or may not exist some kind of proof where the message being > signed is an integer that is known to be no greater than a particular > value, and multiple signatures that signed a lower value can somehow be > aggregated to a higher value, which serves this purpose as well, but is > compressible. > > My understanding is thus that the above `nLockTime` technique is what is > indeed intended for MimbleWimble cross-system atomic swaps. > > -------- > > However, I believe that Lightning and similar offchain protocols are **not > possible** on MimbleWimble, at least if we want to retain its "magical > shrinking blockchain" property. > > All practical channel constructions with indefinite lifetime require the > use of *relative* locktime. > Of note is that `nLockTime` represents an *absolute* lifetime. > > The only practical channel constructions I know of that do not require > *relative* locktime (mostly various variants of Spilman channels) have a > fixed lifetime, i.e. the channel will have to be closed before the lifetime > arrives. > This is impractical for a scaling network. > > It seems to me that some kind of "timeout" is always necessary, similar to > the timeout used in SPV-proof sidechains, in order to allow an existing > claimed-latest-state to be proven as not-actually-latest. > > * In Poon-Dryja, knowledge of the revocation key by the other side proves > the published claimed-latest-state is not-actually-latest and awards the > entire amount to the other party. > * This key can only be presented during the timeout, a security > parameter. > * In Decker-Wattenhofer decrementing-`nSequence` channels, a kickoff > starts this timeout, and only the smallest-timeout state gets onchain, due > to it having a time advantage over all other versions. > * In indefinite-lifetime Spilman channels (also described in the > Decker-Wattenhofer paper), the absolute-timelock initial backoff > transaction is replaced with a kickoff + relative-locktime transaction. > * In Decker-Russell-Osuntokun, each update transaction has an imposed > `nSequence` that forces a state transaction to be delayed compared to the > update transaction it is paired with. > > It seems that all practical offchain updateable cryptocurrency systems, > some kind of "timeout" is needed during which participants have an > opportunity to claim an alternative version of some previous claim of > correct state. > > This timeout could be implemented as either relative or absolute lock > time, but obviously an absolute locktime would create a limit on the > lifetime of the channel. > Thus, if we were to target an indefinite-lifetime channel, we must use > relative lock times, with the timeout starting only when the unilateral > close is initiated by one participant. > > Now, let us turn back to the MimbleWimble. > As it happens, we do *not* actually need SCRIPT to implement these > offchain updateable cryptocurrency systems. > 2-of-2 is often enough (and with Schnorr and other homomorphic signatures, > this is possible without explicit script, only pubkeys and signatures, > which MimbleWimble supports). > > * Poon-Dryja revocation can be rewritten as an HTLC-like construct (indeed > this was the original formulation). > * Since we have shown that, by use of two transaction alternatives, one > timelocked and the other hashlocked, we can implement an HTLC-like > construct on MimbleWimble, that is enough. > * Relative locktimes in Decker-Wattenhofer are imposed by simple > `nSequence`, not by `OP_CSV`. > HTLCs hosted inside such constructions can again use the > two-transactions construct in MimbleWimble. > * Ditto with indefinite-lifetime Spilman. > * Ditto with Decker-Russell-Osuntokun. > * The paper shows the use of `OP_CSV`, but aj notes it is redundant, and > I agree: > > > Thus, it is not the "nonexistence of SCRIPT" that prevents Lightning from > being deployed on MimbleWimble. > > Instead, it is the "nonexistence of **relative** locktime" that prevents > Lightning over MimbleWimble. > > Why would **relative** locktimes not possibly exist? > In order to **validate** a relative locktime, we need to know the > blockheight that the output we are spending was confirmed in. > > But the entire point of the "magical shrinking blockchain" is that > already-spent outputs can be removed completely and all that needs to be > validated by a new node is: > > * The coin-creation events. > * The current UTXO set (plus attached rangeproofs). > * The blinding keys. > * Signatures of the blinding keys, and the kernels they sign (if we use > the "kernels encode `nLockTime`" technique in some way, they should not > exceed the current supposed blockheight). > > The problem is that an output that exists in the UTXO set might be > invalid, if it appears "too near" to an `nSequence` minimum spend of a > previous output that was spent in its creation. > That is, the above does not allow validation of **relative** locktimes, > only **absolute locktimes**. > (At least as far as I understand: there may be special cryptographic > constructs that allow signatures to reliably commit to some relative > locktime). > > This means that relative locktimes need to be implemented by showing the > transactions that spend previous UTXOS and create the current UTXOs, and so > no backwards to coin-creation events. > This forces us back to the old "validate all transactions" model of > starting a new node (and seriously damaging the entire point of using > MimbleWimble anyway). > > I do not believe it is the lack of SCRIPT that prevents > Lightning-over-MimbleWimble, but rather the lack of relative locktime, > which seems difficult to validate without knowing the individual > transactions and when they were confirmed. > > Regards, > ZmnSCPxj > > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >