
I had the pleasure to meet some of you in Amsterdam and/or to speak on #bitcoin-dev but this is actually my first message to the mailing list - I feel a bit clumsy so apologiesĀ in advance if I make any mistake :)

Quick introduction/background: my name is Lawrence Nahum and I'm the founder of GreenAddress, a BIP32 multisignature service and instant confirmation platform available in form of web socket APIs and Wallet for mobile, desktop and web. My background is in CS with distributed systems and I've worked most of my career in the City on OTC financial services like confirmation and clearing platforms.

This post is to gather feedback, comments and reviews about a BIP70 payment protocol proto buffer extension proposal.


If you are interested in GreenAddress design or for more information on GreenAddress you can find the white paper hereĀ http://ghgreenaddress.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/greenaddressp2sh2of2hd-61.pdf and our homepage on https://greenaddress.it
