I wouldn't mind having $5 of my money held at Apple/Google/VISA/Mastercard/BitPay (and I wouldn't be sad of losing $5 if any of these companies go bankrupt). Actually I had in mind creating a centralized version of Bitcoin for ultra-fast payments. With keeping all addresses on SSDs, asking for 1 cent / address month, 1 cent / transaction should be possible to reach even with 6x replication. Companies could compete in price as long as the API is standardized. Automatic top-up should be simple as well. On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote: > On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Adam Ritter wrote: > > Isn't a faster blockchain for transactions (maybe as a sidechain) solving > > the problem? If there would be a safe way for 0-confirmation > transactions, > > the Bitcoin blockchain wouldn't even be needed. > > Large scale consensus can't generally provide instantly irreversible > transactions directly: Increasing the block speed can't help past the > point where the time starts getting close to the network diameter... > you simply can't tell what a consensus of a group of nodes is until > several times the light cone that includes all of them. And if you > start getting close to the limit you dilute the power working on the > consensus and potentially make life easier for a large attacker. > > Maybe other chains with different parameters could achieve a different > tradeoff which was better suited to low value retail transactions > (e.g. where you want a soft confirmation fast). A choice of tradeoffs > could be very useful, and maybe you can practically get close enough > (e.g. would knowing you lost a zero-conf double spend within 30 > seconds 90% of the time be good enough?)... but I'm not aware of any > silver bullet there which gives you something identical to what a > centralized service can give you without invoking at least a little > bit of centralization. >