Responding between lines... On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Johnson Lau wrote: > Some comments and questions > > 1. In the BIP you mentioned scriptSig 3 times, but I don't think you are > really talking about scriptSig. Especially, segwit has aborted the use of > scriptSig to fix malleability. From the context I guess you mean > redeemScript (see BIP141) > You're right.I will change the naming asap. > > 2. It seems that 51% of miners may steal all money from the peg, right? > But I think this is unavoidable for all 2-way-peg proposals. To make it > safer you still need notaries. > Correct, that's inherently a technical limitation. However, there can be many deterrents from miners stealing money (legal contracts, mutual-assured-destruction states). Aslo as you mention, you can combine OP_COUNT_ACK with notary sigantures as AND/OR or a more complex acknowledge weight distribution. > > 3. Instead of using a OP_NOPx, I suggest you using an unused code such as > 0xba. OP_NOPx should be reserved for some simple "VERIFY"-type codes that > does not write to the stack. > Ok. I'm not sure, but if everyone agrees to it, I will. Also Segwit versioning allows to create new opcode multiplexing opcodes, so I was thinking about adding an "opcode index" to a more generic OP_OPERATE. But that prevents using all NOP space, but prevents easily counting OP_ACK_COUNT for checksig block limit. > 4. I don't think you should simply replace "(witversion == 0)" with > "((witversion == 0) || (witversion == 1))". There are only 16 available > versions. It'd be exhausted very soon if we use a version for every new > opcode. As a testing prototype this is fine, but the actual softfork should > not waste a witversion this way. We need a better way to coordinate the use > of new witness version. BIP114 suggests an additional field in the witness > to indicate the script version ( > bips/blob/master/bip-0114.mediawiki) > > Good. But currently that version is not enforced, so this BIP cannot make use of it. I can use (witversion == 1) but add the BIP114 version field so that the next BIP can make use of it. > 5. It seems this is the first BIP in markdown format, not mediawiki (but > this is allowed by BIP1) > > 6. The coinbase space is limited to 100 bytes and is already overloaded by > many different purposes. I think any additional consensus critical message > should go to a dummy scriptPubKey like the witness commitment. You may > consider to have a new OP_RETURN output like BIP141, with different magic > bytes. However, please don't make this output mandatory (cf. witness > commitment output is optional if the block does not have witness tx) > > 6a. "..........due to lack of space to include the proper ack tag in a > block": this shouldn't happen if you use a OP_RETURN output > > I'm not sure about this. The fact that the space for acknowledge and proposal is short has been seen by other developers a benefit and not a drawback. It prevent hundreds of sidechains to be offered, which might hurt solo miners. 70 bytes allows for approximately 10 active polls. > 7. "It can be the case that two different secondary blockchains specify > the same transaction candidate, but **at least** one of them will clearly > be unauthentic." > > thnks. 8. Question: is an ack-poll valid only for 1 transaction? When the > transaction is confirmed, could full nodes prune the corresponding ack-poll > data? (I think it has to be prunable after spending because ack-poll data > is effectively UTXO data) > > Yes, there is no ack-poll data stored except for the coinbase field cache, which periodically cleans itself by using a FIFO approach. > 9. No matter how you design a softfork, "Zero risk of invalidating a > block" couldn't be true for any softfork. For example, even if a miner does > not include any txs with OP_COUNT_ACKS, he may still build on top of blocks > with invalid OP_COUNT_ACKS operations. > > I'm not sure. I assumed that transactions redeeming a script using OP_COUNT_ACKS would be non-standard, so the the problem you point out would only happen if the block including the transaction would be mined specifically for the purpose to defeat subsequent miners. A honest pre-fork miner would never include a redeemScript that that verifies an OP_COUNT_ACKS, since that transaction would never be received by the p2p protocol (it could if the miner accepts non-standard txs by a different channnel). But I must check this in the BIP source code if OP_COUNT_ACKS is really non-standard as I designed it to be. (Thanks Jonhson Lau for taking the time to analyze the BIP.) Sergio. > ---- On Sun, 02 Oct 2016 23:49:08 +0800 Sergio Demian Lerner via > bitcoin-dev wrote ---- > > Since ScalingBitcoin is close, I think this is a good moment to publish > our proposal on drivechains. This BIP proposed the drivechain we'd like to > use in RSK (a.k.a. Rootstock) two-way pegged blockchain and see it > implemented in Bitcoin. Until that happens, we're using a federated > approach. > > I'm sure that adding risk-less Bitcoin extensibility through > sidechains/drivechains is what we all want, but it's of maximum importance > to decide which technology will leads us there. > > We hope this work can also be the base of all other new 2-way-pegged > blockchains that can take Bitcoin the currency to new niches and test new > use cases, but cannot yet be realized because of current > limitations/protections. > > > > The full BIP plus a reference implementation can be found here: > > > > BIP (draft): > > > > > > Code & Test cases: > > > > (Note: Code is still unaudited) > > > > As a summary, OP_COUNT_ACKS is a new segwit-based and soft-forked > opcode that counts acks and nacks tags in coinbase fields, and push the > resulting totals in the script stack. > > > > The system was designed with the following properties in mind: > > > > 1. Interoperability with scripting system > > 2. Zero risk of invalidating a block > > 3. No additional computation during blockchain management and > re-organization > > 4. No change in Bitcoin security model > > 5. Bounded computation of poll results > > 6. Strong protection from DoS attacks > > 7. Minimum block space consumption > > 8. Zero risk of cross-secondary chain invalidation > > > > Please see the BIP draft for a more-detailed explanation on how we > achieve these goals. > > > > I'll be in ScalingBitcoin in less than a week and I'll be available to > discuss the design rationale, improvements, changes and ideas any of you > may have. > > > > Truly yours, > > Sergio Demian Lerner > > Bitcoiner and RSK co-founder > > > > _______________________________________________ > > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > > > > > > > >