First of all, I added more info to

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Pieter Wuille <> wrote:

In your proposal, transactions go to a chain based the addresses involved. We can reasonably assume that different people's wallet will tend to be distributed uniformly over several sidechains to hold their transactions (if they're not, there is no scaling benefit anyway...). That means that for an average transaction, you will need a cross-chain transfer in order to get the money to the recipient (as their wallet will usually be associated to a chain that is different from your own). Either you use an atomic swap (which actually means you end up briefly with coins in the destination chain, and require multiple transactions and a medium delay), or you use the 2way peg transfer mechanism (which is very slow, and reduces the security the recipient has to SPV).

Whatever you do, the result will be that most transactions are:
* Slower (a bit, or a lot, depending on what mechanism you use).
* More complex, with more failure modes.
* Require more and larger transactions (causing a total net extra load on all verifiers together).

And either:
* Less secure (because you rely on a third party to do an atomic swap with, or because of the 2 way peg transfer mechanism which has SPV security)
* Doesn't offer any scaling benefit (because the recipient needs to fully validate both his own and the receiver chain).

In short, you have not added any scaling at all, or reduced the security of the system significantly, as well as made it significantly less convenient to use.

So no, sidechains are not a direct means for solving any of the scaling problems Bitcoin has. What they offer is a mechanism for easier experimentation, so that new technology can be built and tested without needing to introduce a new currency first (with the related speculative and network effect problems). That experimentation could eventually lead us to discover mechanisms for better scaling, or for more scalability/security tradeoffs (see for example the Witness Segregation that Elements Alpha has).

Thanks Pieter for your reply. The chain the transaction goes to does not have to be based on the address (there can be a way for the protocol to choose), but ya, the address scheme can be a good default. As I said, there will be an incentive for empty chains to fill up since they will require less fees (so the scaling benefit isn't dependent on a uniform distribution of addresses).

The rule I mentioned is that at most 2 different chains can be involved in one transaction. From a chain to itself is easy. From a parent or grandparent chain to its child or grandchild chain, is also easy since the child/grandchild always trusts its parent/grandparent. From a child/grandchild to parent/grandparent, is also easy (no delay) since the parent/grandparent will commit to its children (which recursively commit to their children). As mentioned I am just doing a form of block extensions as Adam Back described; the chains are not independent. From one chain to another chain at the same level (sibling chains), the transaction is recorded on both sibling chains (yes there is some duplication but this is limited by requiring at most 2 sibling chains participating in a transaction). They both have to be consistent and this will be ensured by the miners of their parent chain (those miners will commit to their blocks).

So no, I don't see how it's slower, except that there needs to be some delay for communication between children/grandchildren and parents/grandparents, of time O(log n) where n is the number of levels. Even a small number of levels corresponds to a large transaction volume: n = 5 corresponds to the equivalent of 625 MB blocks.

Security-wise, it is true that the top level chain will likely have higher security (more hash power), but at least you can fine tune the fees you pay according to what level of security is acceptable to you, and as Bitcoin grows, level 2,3,4 chains can be regarded as almost as secure as the level 1 chain, since there will still be a lot of hash power on them. And anyone can run a full node on their chains of interest, so there is no SPV level security here, it is full level security.

Transactions are not significantly different. Miners just have to deal with child chains, but if there is a scaling benefit, we should not be scared of complexity. It is probably the simplest way I can think of scaling.

The recipient will validate their own chain fully and will just need the headers of the relevant parent chains to see whether an output from the other chain involved in a transaction is really valid. They can also get the headers of the sibling chain involved in the transaction if they want to validate the work of the miners on these parent chains. They don't need the full blocks of the parent and sibling chains involved since not all the transactions in those blocks may be of interest to them, they just need proof that any output used in their blocks of interest are valid, so that's why the header-only SPV proof is sufficient. But yeah, typically a user will have the full blocks of the parent and grandparent chains of the chains they are interested in tracking, but it is not always necessary.

Also, in the bitcointalk forum I explain in more detail the mining procedure and how to limit the extra traffic that may be caused on the network in case this does get added as a soft fork and then later a new better scaling method is invented that supercedes this.

But basically, for the mining, I think it should be merge-mined between parent and direct children only. If all the chains are merge mining the same root chain, then it would be bad for decentralization, right? But with only direct parent and children merge mining, you can have smaller miners on the lower (grand children) level chains and since they will need to solve another hash problem than their grand parent chains, the grandparents cannot solve blocks in the grand children chains (only the direct children).

So I still didn't hear a good argument against my proposal. I know Adam Back's form of extension blocks is problematic because it still has the big blocks, just at another level of chain, but just by partitioning his one 10 MB chain into 10 pieces, you get my idea, which I think solves the scalability problem as well.


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