Hi Peter I've setup DNS seeds myself a week ago, at testnet-seed.alexykot.me and bitcoin-seed.alexykot.me, but there is a problem with DNS settings that we with Andreas couldn't sort out quickly. The problem itself is that I can reach my nameserver and get dnsseed response if I query it directly with dig @node.alexykot.me testnet-seed.alexykot.me dig @node.alexykot.me bitcoin-seed.alexykot.me ​But when I try nslookup testnet-seed.alexykot.me​ - it fails. I guess the problem is in my DNS settings but I can't figure out what is it. ​S o could you share ​how you configured DNS ​ for your seed ​ to help me debug ​mine ? Best regards, Alex Kotenko 2014-05-30 10:43 GMT+01:00 Peter Todd : > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA256 > > > > On 27 May 2014 02:19:39 GMT+03:00, Andreas Schildbach < > andreas@schildbach.de> wrote: > >> Hey, really sorry I don't have the time to fix this issue, been > >> travelling for a few weeks for my consulting job. If you want to > >> step up and volunteer please feel free. > > > >I'm already volunteering. At least I don't get paid for my efforts in > >debugging the seed infrastructure. > > I meant running a seed yourself. Note that I've only received funds to > cover expenses and a trivial amount on top to cover some time - about one > and a half hours at my usual rates. > > Gavin: Speaking of, given it looks like my work will be frequently keeping > me out of country and unable to provide any more than a "best effort" > attempt at running a seed, I'd like to give back the grant funds for doing > so. Email me privately with an address to send them too. I have no plans to > take it down, however the expectations users have for it aren't something I > can provide. > > >Can you verify if your copy of the seeder contains the commit > >8dcc006e6256cb746c2b025daf3df41baa26353e ? > > > >It fixed a bug that has exactly the symptoms we currently see. > > > >I wonder if the restart of your server actually changed/fixed > >anything. If you got a SERVFAIL this may be because you were traveling > >through parts of the world that can't reach your server. Did you > >actually try at home, before the restart? > > I checked via the same proxy both times; I believe the endpoint is located > in Europe. > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: APG v1.1.1 > > iQFQBAEBCAA6BQJTiFKwMxxQZXRlciBUb2RkIChsb3cgc2VjdXJpdHkga2V5KSA8 > cGV0ZUBwZXRlcnRvZGQub3JnPgAKCRAZnIM7qOfwhQFCB/4jypD+xzKVp6fqRUxu > v22Rc6PeCbeaPYKmdNu0LbY1G5spB8C8ooaZX6z0Ib/CYobzDPJ+rJNB+c1Fna4N > 1IdH7ZsrX0GFaEn7Grnp7D2rtOXGZV+1XGFAateIA/caQ9+rJfqkHLuvOI0Fh+Ua > /m857rxUNtA1kObLFS7gfhi2gwXGO6KQ3muS3462hXVVc9j7DhOWQQwJba5PL+Je > Eob4WtnF2gVFlCEWevxvflF7j4lW9I/S81yZQDnNW9ATF2mfZVqo26sB0yL6Tm4l > KgdKx7+w3khv6QfW9Ilx0Ov3Ml2ZMRhBimpbnENbW4jfklsuRQcM0yx6vXS/lIMz > LO5s > =Up3N > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Time is money. Stop wasting it! Get your web API in 5 minutes. > www.restlet.com/download > http://p.sf.net/sfu/restlet > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development >