I have several Bitcoin contributions I would like to make, mostly for learning purposes to get started: 1. I would like to contribute to unit and/or other types of tests (code), not production code. 2. I would like to understand the Bitcoin code (as much as possible from top to bottom) 3. I would like to write a Bitcoin wallet in another language (so would like to know where to get the "Bitcoin - Core Wallet" code, but not sure where it resides. I am a seasoned software developer, but I do need direction on where to get started. If there is a wiki doc for new developers that would reduce my searching and experimentation that would be great. For each of the three items above, I would like to know the tools and frameworks I would need to understand and initially work on tests ( how to run the existing tests to get code coverage and find where coverage is needed, what is the preferred IDE and full development stack etc ), and also where to get started looking at the bitcoin core code and also the wallet code (where is the initial starting point and then I could trace from there ). Is there a separate area (github & mailing list) for core wallet development? Sincerely, -- Caleb