Very interesting, Block mixing did not resolve the selfish mining that is currently observed on the network. This mitigation was only intended to limit the maximum impact of waiting for a 2nd block to be produced. Rebalancing the selfish-mining incentives with FPNC and a faster block creation time is the single best thing we can do to decentralize mining efforts. It will also produce a better network. On Wed, Oct 7, 2020 at 6:40 PM ZmnSCPxj via bitcoin-dev <> wrote: > Good morning all, > > > > > Below is a novel discussion on block-withholding attacks and FPNC. These > are two very simple changes being proposed here that will > dramatically impact the network for the better. > > > > But first of all, I'd like to say that the idea for FPNC came out of a > conversation with ZmnSCPxj's in regards to re-org stability. When I had > proposed blockchain pointers with the PubRef opcode, he took the time to > explain to me concerns around re-orgs and why it is a bigger problem than I > initially had thought — and I greatly appreciate this detail. After > touching base with ZmnSCPxj and Greg Maxwell there is an overwhelming view > that the current problems that face the network outweigh any theoretical > ones. > > > > Currently the elephant in the room is the miner withholding > attack. There is an unintended incentive to hold onto blocks because > keeping knowledge of this coinbase private gives a greedy miner more time > to calculate the next block. Major mining pools are actively employing > this strategy because winning two blocks in a row has a much greater payoff > than common robbery. This unfair advantage happens each time a new block is > found, and provides a kind of home-field advantage for large pools, and > contributes to a more centralized network. This odd feature of the bitcoin > protocol provides a material incentive to delay transactions and encourages > the formation of disagreements. In a sense, withholding is a deception of > the computational power of a miner, and by extension a deception of their > influence within the electorate. In effect, other miners are forced to > work harder, and when they are successful in finding a 2nd solution of the > same height — no one benefits. Disagreement on the bitcoin network is not > good for the environment, or for the users, or for honest miners, but is > ideal for dishonest miners looking for an advantage. > > This is my understanding: > > The selfish mining attack described above was already presented and known > about **many years** ago, with the solution presented here: > > > The solution was later determined to actually raise the needed threshhold > to 33%, not 25% in the paper. > > That solution is what is used in the network today. > > Implementing floating-point Nakamoto Consensus removes the solution > presented in the paper, and therefore risks reintroducing the selfish > mining attack. > > Therefore, floating-point Nakamoto Consensus is a hard NAK. > > > Regards, > ZmnSCPxj > > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > > >